Master Spine Animation in 12 Weeks
Accelerate your Spine skills with boss-level guidance you won't find ANYWHERE else! 

Start animating from DAY ONE

Over 50 different assignments

In-depth personalized feedback

Industry-level mentorship

Carefully crafted  course progression to optimize learning

Written, video, and live calls for any learning style

It's your personal cheat code to rapid success!

Limited to just 30 people! Don't wait!

Want extra support?

Get 12 extra 1:1 coaching calls with Cydoni during the bootcamp at an insane 45% discount when you bundle your purchase with the Spine Animator Bootcamp! 

That's a $1,056 value for only $580

Hi, I'm Cydoni! 

Your personal Spine Animation Coach

With a BFA in Media Arts and Animation, 6+ years of animation experience in the video game industry, and literally thousands of hours working within Spine, I am well-equipped to help you master the skills you need to succeed.

At my graduation portfolio showcase in 2018, industry professionals came to view my work alongside all of my other graduating peers. Despite having no Spine content in my reel, I was immediately given a test by a local video game art company looking for a new Spine animator. I had never even heard of Spine at the time! 

In a single week, I learned enough Spine techniques to impress on the animation test, and within a couple months was able to quit my long time grocery job for my dream job. I've been there ever since, now leading my own animation team.

Alongside animation, I've dedicated myself to another craft for the past 15 years - theatre. At first glance, this might seem irrelevant to video game animation, but so many of the practices of theatre overlap with animation. 

After all, what is animation if not acting through artwork?

My years as an actor and director of theatre combined with my experience animating and directing animation gives me a unique, well-rounded perspective on the art of animation, allowing me to not only understand animation techniques in great detail, but be able to convey practices in a way that can be understood by anyone. 

Here's what people have said about my teaching!

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
Check out some of my work for yourself!

This is a live demo of one of the lessons you'll learn within the bootcamp!

This is one of my most popular videos on Anipalooza and a great example of how I like to break down concepts in to easy to understand principles in a way that accessible for even the newest animator!

For fun, I decided to cut and animate some League of Legends splash art that was just BEGGING to be animated! I don't know how this one wasn't already animated by Riot, it's so cute!

Here are some other great examples of my work in Spine!

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Should I already know a little about animating in Spine?
    While it can be helpful to have a little knowledge about Spine, you can take this bootcamp without having any previous knowledge of Spine or animation.
  • When does it start?
    The first bootcamp kickoff call will be at 7am on August 31st, 2024. This call will get you familiar with what resources will be available to you in the bootcamp so that come the following Monday when Week 1 content drops, you can hit the ground running!
  • Do I need to be available for the entire 12 weeks?
    Nope! While the content will be released on a weekly basis, most of the content is available to you to use at any time. There will be a live session every Saturday at 7am PST for you to drop in if you'd like to ask questions in real time, but these will be recorded and shared with you as well.
  • Will I really learn Spine in 12 weeks?
    This depends on you! If you put in the work and time to practice your skills, I guarantee the resources you'll have available to you can take you from newbie to expert.
  • How long do I need to spend on this each day?
    I'd recommend at least spending 1-2 hours each day on the materials as there will be a lot of information to read, watch, and put into practice, but this is just a suggestion.
  • How often do we get to speak with you?
    This is largely a self-study program, but once per week on Saturdays at 7am PST there will be office hours with Cydoni where she will do live Q&A sessions on Discord going through the week's assignments. You will also see her chatting within the Bootcamp Discord. If you'd like more 1:1 guidance during the bootcamp, you can bundle your purchase with 1:1 coaching sessions at a significant discount!
  • Will you offer this bootcamp again?
    Yes! However, I won't be offering it again until 2025, and it will go up in price. So if you want to get in this year and take advantage of the insane discount, be sure to reserve your spot as soon as possible because there are only 30 seats available.
  • Is it worth the money?
    At its full price, the bootcamp costs less and provides more value than a typical college-level course in the US. Whether it's worth the money is up to you. There are plenty of other free and cheap alternatives out there, but there's no guarantee whether they will offer the same level of education, resources, and results in the same short amount of time.
  • What is the refund policy?
    Due to the evergreen nature of the content, this program is non-refundable.

    However, if you do experience an issue with billing, please email
  • I live in a country where USD converts to a higher price. Do you offer separate international rates?
    At this time, I can not give discounts or separate rates to accommodate conversion rates. I encourage you to join Spine Quest Academy ( or follow my YouTube channel ( for my lower priced and free content.
  • Does this bootcamp come with a copy of Spine?
    No. Every student will need to have their own paid license of Spine in order to take this course.
  • Which Spine license do I need?
    You will need the full Spine Professional license in order to take full advantage of the information in this bootcamp. While you can get away with the trial version of Spine, which allows you to use any of Spine's internal features, you will not be able to save or export projects which will prevent the ability to share your work with others. This bootcamp is incompatible with Spine Essentials.
  • I don't have the time
    Neither did I. I was working full time at a grocery store with an hour commute each way AND finishing up the end of my college degree when I learned. And this was before Spine tutorials were as available online as they are now. I think the question here is are you ready to make time? You can always dabble in learning here and there in your free time, but the real time save is going to be in learning through a structured blueprint with all the resources you need to get there.
  • How long after the bootcamp do I have access to the materials?
    You'll have lifetime access, even if I decide to stop offering the program!

So what are you waiting for?

Spine Animator Bootcamp

Only $870

Or $900 split between 3 monthly payments

40% OFF

Usually $1450

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact information

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12 weeks of 1:1 Coaching
Add to cart$580.00

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($870.00)$870.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x $300.00)3x $300.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Spine Animator Bootcamp
  • Total payment
  • 1x⚔️Spine Animator BOOTCAMP⚔️$0

All prices in USD

Start animating from DAY ONE

Industry-level Coaching

Over 50 different assignments to choose from

Live recordings from the Bootcamp

Carefully crafted course progression to optimize learning

In-depth personalized feedback

Written, video, and live calls for any learning style

50+ animation ready art assets

Exclusive videos not shared elsewhere

Personalized Course Feedback

Private Discord Community

Bonus alumni content

LIFETIME access to the materials in this course

Spine Animator Bootcamp price is 40% off of the full price of $1,450

1:1 Spine Coaching is 45% off of the base coaching price $88 per session ($1,056 for 12 sessions). 45% off discount is only available as a bundle with the Spine Animator Bootcamp and is limited to 1 purchase per customer. Sessions will be 45 minutes long with Cydoni through Discord.
